In order to maximize the possibilities, in terms of selling one’s home, for the highest – possible price, in the shortest period of time, with a minimum of hassle/ stress, it is wise, and necessary to pay keen attention, to the house’s curb appeal! Why would potential, qualified buyers, want to see more, if their initial reaction, may be a negative, undesirable one? As a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, for over 15 years, I regularly, advise, my clients/ homeowners, to address, what we often, refer to as, curb appeal! Doing so, is a common sense, necessity, and does not, necessarily, require, huge expenditures, etc! Rather, it takes, having a plan, and executing it, either, doing the work, yourself, or hiring, a quality laborer, to do so, for you! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 things/ areas, which must be fully considered, and address, if necessary/ appropriate.

1. Quality exterior painting/ overall: Begin, by objectively, walking – around, you home, and looking to see, if the house, would benefit, from painting! Is paint chipping, overly – faded, or, in some other way, detrimental, to attracting people, to take a further look, and, perhaps,seriously considering, living – there?

2. Eye – appeal/ accentuating the positive: It makes a true difference, to accentuate the positive! When marketing a house, paying keen attention, to eye – catching, details, often matters! Emphasize, accentuating certain much – seen, features/ highlights, such as, using attractive colors, etc, around windows, trim, and doors, often, makes a significant difference, in the overall, appeal of the house!

3. Clean, clean – looking, odor – free: When, a potential buyer, perceives a specific house, as being, clean, he is generally, more – willing, to visualize himself, living there, in a positive, open – minded, way! When, one enters, the house, what may be the first impression (positive, or negative)? Similarly, pay keen attention, to ensuring, the house, is, truly, odor – free, because, one doesn’t wish, to harm the overall process!

4. Reduce clutter/ Staging: Clutter is an enemy of making a house, attractive, to others! Observe it, with an objective – eye, and address any potential issues, proactively, and thoroughly! Often, it makes sense, to stage a house, either, personally, or, by taking advantage of a professional, Home Stager!

5. Flowers and Plants: A key component, of inspiring, a qualified, potential buyer, to your house, is making, it, seem warmer, and welcoming, so the individual, begins to consider, in a positive manner, seeing himself, living there! Colorful flowers and plants, strategically placed, and located, often, makes a difference, for the better, in this process!

Smart homeowners pay attention to curb appeal, and positively, attracting buyers, to your home! Why should these individuals, be, more attractive, to your house, than the competition?